====================== Official Documentation ====================== .. image:: /images/viper.png :align: center What is Viper? ============== `Viper`_ is a binary analysis and management framework. Its fundamental objective is to provide a solution to easily organize your collection of malware and exploit samples as well as your collection of scripts you created or found over the time to facilitate your daily research. Think of it as a *Metasploit* for malware researchers: it provides a terminal interface that you can use to store, search and analyze arbitrary files with and a framework to easily create plugins of any sort. Viper is released under `BSD 3-Clause`_ license and is copyrighted by `Claudio Guarnieri`_. The source code is available on `GitHub`_, where also all development efforts and contributions are coordinated. For questions and inquiries, you can find the author's contact details `here`_. Table of Content ================ .. toctree:: introduction/index installation/index usage/index http/index customize/index known_issues/index final_remarks/index .. _Viper: http://www.viper.li .. _BSD 3-Clause: http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause .. _Claudio Guarnieri: https://twitter.com/botherder .. _VxCage: https://github.com/botherder/vxcage .. _GitHub: https://github.com/viper-framework/viper .. _here: https://nex.sx